Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yabba Dabba OOOH!

Get ready to go bowling, break out your foot-powered car, and get your Dino on! Today is the 50th anniversary of the 1st episode of the Hanna-Barbera classic, 'The Flintstones'!!! Fun tidbit- for the longest time when I was a kid- I always thought that Hanna Barbera was a person, not the last names of two people. I eventually caught on though... Today's nail art is a tribute to the stone-age smile-inducers- the Flintstones (and the Rubbles). On my left hand, I have Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles Flintstone, with Dino on the ring finger, and a closeup of Fred's garb on the pinky. On the right hand, I painted The Great Gazoo on my thumb, then Barney, Betty, and Bamm-Bamm Rubble, with Bamm-Bamm's club on my pinky.

I used:


Thumb: Fred Flintstone

Orly Snowcone as a base, with American Apparel Summer Peach for his skin, then mixed with Color Club Best Dressed List for his stubble. For his tongue, I used a combination of American Apparel Palm Springs and Orly Pixy Stix, for his eyes, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud and for the hair and outlines, I used American Apparel Hassid.

Index: Wilma Flintstone

Orly Snowcone as a base, with American Apparel Summer Peach for her skin, as well as as a base for her hair. For her hair, I used CND Electric Orange. For her necklace and teeth, I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud, China Glaze Salsa for her lips, then outlined everything in American Apparel Hassid.

Middle: Pebbles Flintstone

Orly Snowcone as a base, with American Apparel Summer Peach for her skin, as well as as a base for her hair. Like Wilma, I also used CND Electric Orange for Pebbles' hair. Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for her eyes and the bone in her hair. For her dress, I used Pure Ice Wild Thing, then outlined everything with American Apparel Hassid.

Ring: Dino

Orly Snowcone as a base, with Color Club Ms. Socialite for the purple, then mixed with American Apparel Palm Springs for his muzzle. I also used this combination in a different strength for his tongue. For his collar, I used Zoya Yummy, with Barielle Aura Angora for his 'dog' tag. I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for his eyes, and American Apparel Hassid to outline.

Pinky: Fred's 'suit'

CND Electric Orange as a base, with Zoya Yummy for his tie, with American Apparel Hassid to outline, and for the spots on the orange fabric.

Right Hand

Thumb: The Great Gazoo

Orly Snowcone as a base, with L.A. Girl Army Green for his face, CND Green Scene for his shirt and helmet, a mixture of CND Green Scene and
American Apparel Hassid for his collar, Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for his eyes, and American Apparel Hassid to outline everything.

Index: Barney Rubble

Orly Snowcone as a base, with MAC Abalone Shell for his skin, then mixed with Color Club Best Dressed List for his stubble, American Apparel Manila for his hair, OPI Ginger Bells for his 'suit', and American Apparel Hassid to outline everything.

Middle: Betty Rubble

Orly Snowcone as a base, with American Apparel Summer Peach for her skin, China Glaze Salsa for her lips, Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for her eyes, and American Apparel Hassid to outline, as well as for her necklace and hair.

Ring: Bamm-Bamm Rubble

Orly Snowcone as a base, with American Apparel Summer Peach for his skin, Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for his eyes and hair, CND Electric Orange with American Apparel Hassid to outline and for the spots on the hat.

Pinky: Bamm-Bamm's Club

Orly Snowcone as a base, with L.A. Girl Army Green for the club, outlined with American Apparel Hassid.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

It's a living.

NEW Limited Edition Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Polishes

So I went to Rite Aid on my lunch, and what do I see.....the NEW Sally polishes!! I love my Rite Aid, they are always up to date on the new collectionc. I only grabbed 3, for the rest looked very common, imo.

This is Problem Child. Which reminds me very much of OPI's Merry Midnight. I think of Problem Child, as Merry M. little sister. PC, doesn't seem to have as big of, or as much flakies compared to her big sis. Still this color is beautiful!

This is Golden Ticket. Since it's sheer, I layered it over Problem Child, and really like it!

This is my FAVORITE of the 3 that I got, It's Sequin Scandal. A very dark olive/army green, with gold & green tiny glitter and what may be teeny tiny iridescent flakies, but not many, so don't get too excited.

Happy for men...ovvero il profumo della felicità by Clinique!

Una confezione completamente arancione per un profumo che vuole infondere felicità e benessere!!

Arancione come gli agrumi da cui trae qualche nota!!


Fresco ma al tempo stesso deciso e penetrante. Ragazze uno di quei profumi che lasciano il "segno" e che, per strada, ci si volta per vedere chi è lo porta!!

Da annusare

Esiste nella versione da 50 e 100ml.

La stessa fragranza la troviamo anche in versione After Shave, After Shave Balm e Deo Spray!

Ancora una volta grazie a Clinique!!

Makeup tutorial: Black kiss fai da te!

Come non completare questa settimana di look vampireschi con delle labbra all black?

Lo scorso anno alcune case cosmetiche avevano lanciato dei rossetti e gloss di questo colore, ma secondo me non è proprio un colore che si possa indossare ogni giorno e spendere per un prodotto da usare un paio di volte non è il caso.

Ecco allora come usare i cosmetici che già possediamo per farcelo da sole!

Io uso questo sistema anche quando voglio un gloss dello stesso colore del trucco occhi, semplicemente miscelo ad un gloss trasparente il pigmento o l'ombretto.

Per questo tipo di trucco è fondamentale che le labbra non siano screpolate e non ci siano pellicine perchè altrimenti si vedranno!

Consiglio quindi di applicare prima del trucco un burrocacao per una mezzora per ammorbidire le labbra e poi di rimuoverlo con una velina.
Se possibile la sera prima fate uno scrub delicato.

Cosa ci serve:

Elenco prodotti usati:
  • gloss ELF Super Glossy Lip Shine (essendo nero il risultato da ottenere va bene qualsiasi colore)
  • ombretto Kiko 20 nero mat
  • matita trasparente per labbra L'Oreal Indefectible Lip Liner 700 Sheer Fidelity
  • matita Dior Crayon Khol 099 Noir
  • un contenitore per mescolare i prodotti
  • uno stuzzicadenti
  • pennello piccolo per labbra


Passo 1: contorno il bordo ESTERNO delle labbra con una matita trasparente che prevenga "cadute" di colore nelle pieghette (step fondamentale per tutti i rossetti rossi e scuri in generale)

Passo 2: con la matita nera (una qualsiasi per occhi ma con mina dura) disegno il bordo delle labbra, stando attentissima a non andare fuori dal contorno tracciato prima

Passo 3: con la matita riempio anche l'interno delle labbra

Passo 4: sfumo con le dita in modo da avere la base su tutte le labbra

Passo 5: nel mio contenitore faccio cadere una goccia di gloss e un pò di polvere di ombretto grattata con lo stuzzicadenti. Mescolo con lo stuzzicadenti i prodotti, deve venire un bel nero intenso, aggiungo ombretto fino al colore desiderato

Passo 6: con il pennellino stendo il gloss sulle labbra e... il trucco è finito!

Un piccolo suggerimento: se volete conservare il gloss, sia per rapidi ritocchi che per usarlo di nuovo in futuro, usate come contenitore un barattolino di qualche campioncino con il tappo a vite!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

People Say I'm Nuts

...but really, I'm just a-corny. :-D (bad joke)

A book came out yesterday from my FAVORITE author, David Sedaris, called 'Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary'. I bought it tonight, and I'm SO excited to read it. Seriously, if you haven't heard of him, or if you have, but haven't read any of his stuff yet, you seriously need to get on it. The man is a genius, and I've laughed more while reading his books or listening to him speak than I have at most comedians. His deadpan delivery and dry, self-deprecating humor will have you rolling, and I highly suggest, at the very least, LISTENING to one of his audiobooks. (My favorite is the Santaland Diaries, which chronicles his experience employed as an elf at Christmastime in a major department store) A while back, reader Shannon L. suggested that I do squirrel nails, and that got me thinking about acorns, and tonight, I joined both ideas together in honor of the new Sedaris book! :) The acorns turned out to be a funky version of a french manicure! (with lots of shading!! :-D)

and my nails with my new book.... :-D

I used American Apparel Palm Springs as a base, with butter LONDON Crumpet over it, then mixed OPI Ginger Bells with American Apparel Palm Springs and MAC Rich, Dark, Delicious for the tips, with a darker version of that mixture for the textured 'scales' on the acorn caps. For the shading on the acorn, I used a mixture of American Apparel Palm SpringsOPI Ginger Bells and MAC Rich, Dark, Delicious to shade, a mix of OPI Ginger Bells and American Apparel Palm Springs for the darker highlight, then pure American Apparel Palm Springs for the main highlight. For the thumb, I used OPI What's With the Cattitude? as a base, with American Apparel Palm Springs as a base for the squirrel, topped with OPI Ginger Bells, then a mixture of OPI Ginger Bells and MAC Rich, Dark, Delicious over that, then a few swipes of American Apparel Palm Springs around the eye, ear, and tail. For the eye, I used American Apparel Hassid, and for the grass I used CND Green Scene , L.A. Girl Army Green, and Pure Ice Wild Thing. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Stand on the magic star, and you can see Cher!!

Yany's nails - 1

Sakura's nail arts- 1

Skin Supplies for men da Clinique rigorosamente per lui!!!

Ecco la linea di Clinique Skin Supplies for men solo e tutta per lui!!

Qui parliamo di pre-rasatura e dopobarba.

Face scrub per preparare la pelle, i granelli sottili sollevano i peli della barba e riducono quelli incarniti. Favorisce la pulizia dei peli ostruiti.

Non parlo per esperienza perchè la barba per fortuna non mi è ancora cresciuta ma dai commenti di mio marito durante la rasatura so che i peli che restano sottopelle soprattutto per chi ha una barba dura e fitta è un vero incubo quindi se arriva un aiuto da un prodotto perchè non sfruttarlo? Ho provato inoltre a passare lo scrub sul dorso della mano ed in effetti i granuli sono veramente microscopici e non aggressivi. Un leggerissimo odore mentolato completa l'opera!!

Modo d'uso:

Applicarlo sulle mani e miscelarlo con un pochino di sapone o se lo avete con Face soap o Liquid face di Clinique. Massaggiare il viso!!

Post-Shave Healer è una fresca lozione idratante, aiuta a lenire gli eritemi da rasoio ed a decongestionare gli arrossamenti. E' privo di oli. Assolutamente privo di profumo.

Fanno parte della linea dopo barba anche Soother anti-blemish formula, specifico per ridurre le eruzioni cutanee e favorire lo scivolamento del rasoio, e Soother Beard control formula aiuta nel tempo ad ammorbidire ed affinare la crescita del pelo.

La gamma comprende anche prodotti per la rasatura, il sistema in 3 fasi per la pulizia del viso, gli specialisti e la linea corpo.

Insomma uomini non vi potete proprio lamentare :-)

Ringraziamo Clinique per averci inviato questi prodotti.

Scotch Tape Striped Mani - Is my love for Turquoise Opal obvious?

I actually did this mani yesterday, but didn't get a chance to post it. I was trying to find other designs I could do, using scotch tape. Stripes came to mind. So I grabbed my trusty black, and Sally Hansens Nail Prisms Turquoise Opal, and started working on it. It was actually easier than I though, and I love this effect

This is with the flash on, see how much the turq. shows!!!

My Vegas Showgirl Mani

This is the mani design I chose today. As much as I like it, it feels very Vegas to me, lol. The gold is Color Club's Enchanted Holiday, from this years mini set. The black is my HG, Sinful's Black on Black. I used scotch tape for the diagonal design. If you're interested in doing this, I posted about it a little while ago, and gave step by step instructions.


Elf: le date dei prossimi rifornimenti prodotti online

Sulla pagina ufficiale di Elf.Uk e' stata postata una nota che elenca quando verranno riforniti tutti i prodotti mancanti...

Accidenti per la maggior parte bisognerà attendere Dicembre!!!

Ecco l'elenco dei prodotti con le date del rifornimento.

Here you can find out approximate dates for restocks of your favourite items from e.l.f. Cosmetics UK (

All dates are approximate and as ever we try out best to get them on time, however sometimes delays are unavoidable.

Please check this list and contact our Customer Service team if you require any further information or assistance with your order via this link

We are unable to accept pre-orders for items out of stock and we are unable to give any dates for new products or ranges.

Due Back in Stock in Mid October 2010

35026 Get The Look Basic Brown

35005 Get The Look Neutral Nude

35027 Get The Look Plum Perfect

36001 Mineral Fair Starter Kit

36002 Mineral Light Starter Kit

36003 Mineral Warm Starter Kit

36011 Eyeshadow Set- Smokey Eye

85005 Studio Mirror

Due Back in Stock Mid November 2010:

85003 Studio Medium Palette

85004 Studio Large Palette

Due back in stock in Early December 2010:

1540 Chocolate Nail Polish

1568 Red Velvet Nail Polish

1569 Cranberry Nail Polish

1590 Matte Finisher Nail Polish

1607 New Nail Block

2303 Natural Radiance Blusher in Coy

2404 Healthy Glow Bronzing Powder in Matte Bronze

2504 Custom Eyes in Sage

2703 Custom Face Blush in Coy

2807 Super Glossy Lipshine in Watermelon

2808 Super Glossy Lipshine in Candelight

4005 Tone Correcting Concealer in Ivory

4006 Tone Correcting Concealer in Light Beige

4007 Tone Correcting Concealer in Rosy Beige

4201 Liquid Eyeliner in Coffee

4204 Liquid Eyeliner in Midnight

4211 Liquid Eyeliner in Pearl

4301 Duo Eye Shadow in Butter Pecan

4304 Duo Eye Shadow in Blueberry

4305 Duo Eye Shadow in Berry Mix

4306 Duo Eye Shadow in Black Licorice

6202 Mineral Concealer in Light

6308 Mineral Blush in Rose

6551 Mineral Eyeliner in Black

6552 Mineral Eyeliner Coffee

6553 Mineral EyelinerMidnight

6602 Mineral Booster in Large Sheer

7104 Duo Eyeshadow Cream in Blueberry

7107 Duo Eyeshadow Cream in Sugar Cookie

7401 Liquid Eyeshadow in Sultry Satin

7404 Liquid Eyeshadow in Berrylicious

7601 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Iconic Ivory

7603 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Blissful Bliss

7604 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Gun Metal

7605 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Boldly Bronzed

7606 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Grassy Green

7607 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Twinkle Teal

7608 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Plum Passion

7609 Shimmer eyeliner pencil in Black Bandit

81202 Eyebrow Treat and Tame in Medium

81203 Eyebrow Treat and Tame in Dark

81304 Eyebrow Treat and Tame in Ash

81602 Eyebrow Lifter and Filler in Ivory/Medium

83131 Studio Blush in Peachy Keen

83601 Studio Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder

85018 Studio Large Brush Holder